People tend to fear
the worst but higher interest rates may not mean interest rates that are
actually that high

Inflation not so
One of the main jobs of central banks is to set interest
rates so as to keep inflation low. This
is because inflation in itself is seen as having a negative influence as well
as being a sign that an economy might be overheating. Inflation comes about as firms increase
prices typically when their costs are rising or when demand is strong. Yet, neither is the case at the moment. Stagnating wages, which is the largest
expense for many firms, mean that higher costs are not likely to translate into
higher prices. Sluggish consumer spending is prompting some firms to cut prices
so as not to lose customers.
This is more than just the result of a sluggish economic
recovery as shown by growing concerns about the long-term prospects for the economy. Investment by businesses continues to remain
weak despite record low interest rates.
The expanding operations of companies would help to fuel gains in
productivity which further feed into higher wages. But, with firms not wanting to spend and
consumers not likely to get their hands on much extra cash, economic activity is
expected to remain subdued. Austerity measures
are a further damper on the economy as governments rush to sort out their finances.
The most glaring reason to not expect any trouble from inflation
is prices have barely budged despite everything that has happened over the past
decade. Inflation has remained subdued (mostly
5% or (much) lower) despite a surge in bank lending in the lead up to the
crisis or central banks printing billions in new cash in more recent
times. The only time inflation popped up
on the radar of policy makers during the depth of economic recession in 2011
due to high commodity prices (more on that later).
This time is
Not only is inflation expected to remain low but influences
over monetary policy are also likely to act to keep interest rates low. For starters, the potential for a slower pace
of economic growth will make it difficult to justify central banks raising
interest rates. Calls for a hike to
interest rates at the Bank of England (which is likely to go first among the
larger central banks) may be premature considering low inflation and the stuttering
economic recovery.
Monetary policy is also developing so that central banks
have more options available to them to deal with inflation and other negative
aspects of a buoyant economy. The most
promising of these are macroprudential measures such as caps on mortgage
lending and other controls on banks.
These will enable central banks to rein in overheating parts of the economy without
having to increase interest rates.
There have also been changes to inflation itself. As mentioned above, any inflation recently has
tended to come from outside sources such as commodity prices rising in global markets in line with
growing demand in emerging markets.
Higher interest rates can only have an effect when a rise in prices is
due to factors within the economy itself.
So if inflation is due to external causes, central banks will likely
hold off increasing interest rates.
Hope for the best
So, there is likely to be no rush to increase interest
rates, and when the inevitable does happen, interest rates are not actually
going to rise by that much. This is
welcome news for places where buoyant property prices have push new home owners to take on large mortgages relative to their income.
Higher interest rates still have the potential to stall an economic recovery
that is still fragile. But if central
banks wait for the right timing, the eventual interest rate hikes may be like
going to the dentist expecting to have some teeth pulled but instead just
getting a clean and a lollipop.