Politics in the
United States is starting to cause more problems than it solves as compromise
still seems far off.
Politicians are not usually seen in the best light. Even in that context, the partial shutdown of
the federal government in the United States is exasperating, so much so that Your
Neighbourhood Economist was not even going to bother to comment. The situation leading to the shutdown brings
to mind kids in a playground fighting over a toy with everyone losing out after
all of the toys are put away. However,
behind all the antics and posturing, there are bigger themes at play which is
even more depressing.
October is marked with a number of dates which gradually
ramp up the economic stakes. The month
began with the US government having failed to pass legislation for its spending
budget for the 2014 fiscal year which starts on 1st October. While the bulk of spending by the government,
such as benefits for the elderly or unemployed, is not affected, a significant
portion of money doled out by the government must first be ratified by Congress
before being spent. As a result, not
passing the budget resulted in a partial shutdown of the federal government
with around 800,000 out of 2.8 million public employees being sent home without
pay. The parts of government affected
include bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Food and
Drug Administration, meaning that many procedures such as permits for certain
business activities will not be processed.
NASA will also mostly shutdown as will many of the tourist sites
overseen by Federal government employees.
But the partial government shutdown is just a precursor to
something more threatening – the government running out of money to pay its
bills. While such an outcome may sound
preposterous, it stems from the current budget deficit (with the government
spending more than it receives) and the need to borrow to make up the
shortfall. The total amount of debt that
the US government can take on is also something that requires approval from
Congress. With the government having
racked up a string of budget deficits in the aftermath of the global financial
crisis, the amount of borrowing has been steadily rising. More debt is needed but the government has
reached the debt ceiling which was raised in 2011 and is expected to run out of
money by around 17th October.
The stakes are higher if no deal can be done with regard to
the debt ceiling. While the partial
shutdown of government can be seen as a bit of a nuisance, a government cash
shortage could have global ramifications if it means that the government misses
an interest payment on its bonds and thereby triggers a default. Given that US government bonds are akin to another
form of currency in the financial system, a default has the potential to bring
the global financial system to its knees.
In spite of this, the financial markets, while on edge, have
not panicked - negotiations regarding the raising of the debt ceiling are still
on-going, and even if a deal cannot be brokered, the effects are still unclear. There are other sources of income such as
money from taxes so the government will be able to keep up with some outgoing
payments. But that in itself creates another
dilemma – which, if any, payments to forgo.
Investors would hope that debt payment would take priority over, for
example, the payment of pensions.
Despite the potential consequences to the international financial
system, it would take a brave politician to cut off pensions for old people.
Considering what is at stake, the consensus view is that the
politicians will sort themselves out before the government is forced into
making such choices. Your Neighbourhood
Economist would like to assume that this will be the case. But the two main political parties have been
squabbling for number of years with the situation getting worse rather than
showing any signs of improvement. Over
the past few years, there have been skirmishes over a previous increase of the
debt ceiling in 2011 as well as the negotiations regarding the fiscal cliff less
than 12 months ago (for more on this, see Winning the election was the easy part) and one of the key obstacles to
compromise is growing in strength – that being the so-called Tea Party portion
of the Republican Party.
The Tea Party is the radical anti-government element of the
Republican Party which is not afraid to be aggressive in pushing for a
reduction in the size of government among other policies. Its members in Congress are targeting large
concessions from Obama to raise the debt ceiling – a position which is further fortified
by Obama having conceded little in previous showdowns. Perhaps the biggest concern is that the anti-government
fervour of the Tea Party will translate into a view that the debt ceiling is an
effective way of slashing government spending irrespective of the costs
The Tea Party has found growing support among Americans
disillusioned with the role of the government.
It is part of the rise of populist movements that can also be seen in
Europe which rail against mainstream policies, such as an opposition to
immigration. The multi-party political
systems in Europe can include such movements as separate parties which often
struggle to get the necessary level of support to make it into government. The political system in the United States
only has two political parties and the Tea Party essentially controls a large
portion of the Republican Party. With
voting districts in the United States having been shaped over the years to
produce safe seats for either the Republicans or the Democrats, Tea Party
candidates in Republican seats are typically better at whipping up support
enabling them to win out over more moderate candidates.
The Republican Party as a whole has increasingly felt the
need to pander to this radical fringe which has brought a heightened level of
conflict to US politics, within the Republican Party itself as well as between
the two major parties. Its unique system
of democracy has been a key element behind the successful rise of the United
States to global dominance. But with the
country’s place at the top of the global pecking order no longer assured (as
described in A New Inconvenient Truth), it would be ironic if its political system was central to
its downfall.
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