Another unconventional
policy measure may be trialled in Europe as its central bank struggles to
revive the moribund economy
The on-going economic troubles have been demanding in many
ways – including having to learn the meanings of an ever-increasing range of
new economic terms. This is due to
central banks implementing a range of practices to breathe life into an economy
which seems impervious to their best efforts at resuscitation. The list of unconventional policies started
with quantitative easing,
which was soon followed with forward guidance. The next piece of headline-grabbing
jargon may be negative interest rates.
This latest innovation is expected to come from the European Central
Bank (ECB) even as other central banks look to wind down their operations.
The What, How, and Why
of Negative Interest Rates
The policy of negative interest rates is just as simple as
it sounds – paying someone to hold money instead of receiving interest on any
deposits of cash. Fortunately, the
humble blogger on the street will not be required to pay negative interest
rates by his or her retail bank; instead, the banks themselves will be charged
for their holdings at the central bank.
Banks tend to park any surplus funds with the central bank so the idea
of negative interest rates is to spur banks into making better use of their reserves. In particular, the policy is intended to boost
lending by banks which has remained sluggish despite record low interest rates.
The policy is all about creating the right incentives. The actual payments themselves would be
small. For example, the ECB is said to
be considering an interest rate of -0.1% in place of its current rate of 0.25%. Central banks have been frustrated by the
failure of low interest rates to generate the desired result – more
lending. Both forward guidance and
negative interest rates are policies aimed at achieving this.
Timing – why now?
Now we understand the basics of negative interest rates, the
final question is one of timing – why now?
The ECB is driven by two key factors – the changes to monetary policy in
the US and fears about deflation in Europe.
The effects of the Federal Reserve printing money to buy
bonds (known as quantitative easing) have reached far beyond the US borders
with some of the money also finding its way to Europe. Less loot leaving the US will likely lead to
less liquidity in the European banking system.
Low levels of inflation (0.7% in January) have led to fears about
consumer prices starting to fall, something already happening in places like
Greece. There are concerns that such
deflation could further undermine demand and result in debts increasing in size
relative to the economy.
The potential adverse consequences of these developments
have pushed the ECB to act and negative interest rates are one of the few
options available. This is because the
actions of the ECB are restrained by divergent views among the member countries
of the European Union. In particular,
Germany has been adamant in upholding rules that limit the ability of the ECB
to purchase bonds.
Negative interest rates would also bring their own complications. European banks may struggle to deal with
negative interest rates which are not the norm.
The extra costs may weaken banks by lowering their profits, making them
more cautious lenders and exacerbating the problem. Low lending rates have had only a muted
effect so the benefits of going negative may be limited. Even if the policy is seen to be effective, Germany
would be loath to offer more help to struggling countries in the periphery of
Europe as it may encourage them to put off crucial reforms.
It is too early to say whether negative interest rates will
ever make it into our everyday lingo.
Either way, we can only hope that it does not take many more new
policies until we can shake off the current economic stupor.
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