The failings of
democracy have become more obvious and need more than just a tweak
Some things get better over time but politics seems to be
getting worse. Like a clunky computer that
takes ages to get anything done, our political system has outdated hardware and
buggy software which means that programs often don’t proceed as planned. In computing terms, our governments’ failure
to deal with the aftermath of the global financial crash is the equivalent of a
number of flashing warnings and error messages.
With the faults more obvious than ever, perhaps it is time to look into
rebooting the system.
Viruses in the system

The result of this is that politics has become just another
form of marketing vying for our attention.
We, in return, now also struggle to relate to political parties. The number of those among us who are
affiliated with a political party has been falling for decades. Politicians instead work with pollsters and
media firms to guess at what voters might want and how to package their
At the same time, politicians can only offer voters less
bang for their buck. In an increasingly
globalized world, many choices that had previously been available to
governments have been taken out of their hands.
No country can make decisions in isolation and this limits what
politicians can offer voters. Not that
they will ever admit as much. Yet this
unspoken reality further separates voters from politicians who offer too much
and can seldom deliver on their policies.
Some rewiring needed
A good place to start in terms of rebooting politics would
be to re-establish links with voters. As
with all forms of communication, this needs to be two-way street. Politicians need to not only listen to the
concerns of voters before forming policy, but more importantly to explain their
actions. Too often politicians sound as
if they are talking in code with formulaic messages devoid of content or
meaning. More direct contact with normal
people might help politicians to rediscover the benefits of speaking frankly
and honestly.
The best politics these days seem to be happening at the
city level. Mayors are closer to the
people they govern, even in the larger cities of London and New York, and they
are better at solving problems with regard to things that matter in peoples’
lives such as transport, schools, and crime.
From personal experience, the mayor of my city is having a positive
effect on the world around me even though I did not vote for him. I cannot say the same for my representative
in parliament (who only turns up once every four years at election time) - let
alone our Prime Minister in the UK.
Politicians serve many roles in their jobs. At a time when politicians are offering less
in terms of leadership, the least they could do instead would be to spend more
time among those who elected them. Something
needs to be done to fix the systems that will only become more of a problem
(see here for one
idea). A malfunctioning computer is a
hassle but a broken-down political system is far more dangerous.
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