While their
reputation has suffered at the hands of economists, it is time for governments
to show that they have wised up

The Invisible Hand was
always seen the clever one
Economists like to think that markets are the smartest thing
around. Markets refer to not just places
where anything from sausages to shares are sold, but also to the economic
system where numerous companies compete to offer goods or services. The clever thing about markets is that prices
and output can change to reflect demand from consumers and this helps to
determine the best allocation in an economy.
The best bit is that this optimal outcome is not based on decisions made
in one controlling body but market information gleaned from the individual
decisions of consumers and firms.
This belief stems all the way back to the father of
economics, Adam Smith, who argued over three centuries ago that the private
actions of individuals in the market would work for the public benefit. Governments, on the other hand, are seen as
more of a heavy hand in the economy.
Governments get in the way by creating red tape that strangles business
and misallocating resources by dishing money out to favourite sectors. Examples of misspent money abound as do
unworthy recipients of taxpayer cash.
Yet, all economists would also agree that some government
actions are needed for markets to function properly. Basics such as national defence and policing
are essential for any business to operate and can only be provided by
governments. Companies also rely on a
supply of workers with some degree of education as well as communication and
transport infrastructure. So while some
level of government intervention is necessary, the extent to this is something
that is defined by politics.
The trend started by Thatcher and Regan has been for an
increasingly shrinking role for government in the economy. Economic theory was enlisted to make the case
for smaller government which came as a backlash against decades of expanding
government. Much of the initial cases
for privatizations and deregulation were justified due to numerous areas where
government had overextended itself. Yet,
faith in markets and distrust of government has become so embedded in politics that
cases where more government might be good are dismissed. Governments are so timid in their actions that much of policy to do with the economic recovery has been outsourced to central banks (which creates its own problems).
Who looks stupid now?
Government policy does not always work out as hoped. But
bureaucrats are not alone in making mistake – just think of Enron or BP. Yet, the most obvious example of where government
involvement has been missed is the finance sector. Deregulation over the past few decades let
loose forces that even the banks themselves were not smart enough to
understand. Banks messed up in terms of
the seemingly common sense notion of putting long-term survival ahead of short-term profits.
More proactive government policy would have gone a long way
to preventing many elements of the crisis and is something that we should apply
now with the benefit of hindsight. But
the notion that more government is good can also be applied elsewhere. Transport infrastructure has been neglected amid
the trend for smaller government while other areas such as R&D and training
for workers could do with more government input. Governments which are not willing to take an
active role in the economy leave voters feeling frustrated and opens the way for the rise of populist parties.
This is not an argument to re-establish government dominance
over the economy. A bigger government
need not involve significantly higher taxes and large welfare payments. But, there are parts of the economy where
action is needed to ensure the public good and only government can respond to
this. While politicians on the right
need to be more accepting of the positive effects of government, it is up to
left-wing parties to make a better case about the good that government can
achieve. It is time that we were all
smarter in the way they think about government.
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